11 Dec 2017


Skilled surgeons and best treatment for neurological ailments India offers hope for those looking for quality, comprehensive and multi-disciplinary healthcare for brain and spine treatment. With some of the top neurosurgeons calling India their home, the health tourism destination is now a preferred choice for patients seeking cost-friendly, top quality treatment for various disorders such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic sclerosis, epilepsy, and more.

Affordable treatment

As a medical tourism destination, India is known to adhere to global standards in healthcare. Skilled doctors, latest technologies, dedicated neurology centers, and the availability of the best neurosurgeons in India, are just a few of the reasons why you should consider India for an affordable treatment.

Recuperative stay

The warm hospitality, ease in communication, relaxed visa norms and availability of some of the best nurses in the world make India the preferred destination for a relaxed recuperative stay after a successful treatment.

Best health centers

Medicountry covers a large network of hospitals, health centers and neurologists in India in order to assist the patients in the best possible way. Our pre-arrival and on-arrival services are specially catered to ease the whole process of travelling, getting treated and then having a recuperative stay in a foreign country.

Holistic treatment

Our partner hospitals are pioneers in the treatment of neurological disorders. With a holistic view to treatment, these centers offer comprehensive treatment plans for the successful healing of patients. If you are looking for a cost-efficient answer to your neurological condition, then India is the answer for you.

Why Choose Medicountry?

At Medicountry, one of the preferred medical tourism partners for patients from countries like Europe, Middle East, Afganisthan, CIS countries and Africa, we ensure that the best advice is provided from at least two specialist hospitals and help patients make an informed decision before travelling to India. Special arragmenents for Pre and Post arrival services make the treatment process seamless.

If you have any questions in mind and looking for a second opinion, please fill in the following form and we can arrange a call back to undertsand the nature of your illness and respond back with timely, best and affordable treatments.